Saturday 3 August 2013

The Philippine School-Oman Youths Today

The P.S. Youth Today

Intelligent, active, energetic and knowledge starving—that is how I figure it out the Philippines School Youth of today.

 It was not that long ago that youth of earlier generations were more inclined to work and were thinking of income generating schemes, Thanks to our parents and grand parents, we can now concentrate on more personality building and career molding environment.

Yes, the youth of today are more self-centered, but it does not mean that we are egoistic; it just only means that we have more time to dedicate, devote, introspect and learn who we really are.

The high school students before were hooked up on books and were further exposed to competitions such as declamation, poem reciting, debate, story telling, and other competitions that can enrich the ability, skills and talents of the students.   

I remembered when I first came here I was in 4th grade (SY2009) back then. In my observation during my intermediate days, the High school students were more exposed to books and other reading materials, and these books can help us widen our knowledge and vocabulary skills. There were also competitions that enhance skills in developing self-confidence and individual talents. It was exciting to watch them perform and listen on how they speak the words clearly and how they express their selves well in front of many people.

As time passes by and technology begins to rule the world,  the youths of today are at the same time accompanied by their best friend..always on their side.. their gadgets. This little best friend became their companion on a daily basis. Wherever they are. Unlike before the youths then were simply having fun and enjoying with their physical friends.
PS youths of today are more into electronic gadgets such as tablets, smart phones, mp3, computer and many more, and these gadgets are slowly eating up our time. The social lifestyles of teens of today are more concentrated in the e-technology or I may say online generation.  Unlike before teens are more active in their social life and you can see that teens before were having fun while playing with simple things. As the economy rises as well as our entertainment needs. We are no longer happy in playing simple things like playing with marbles, scrabble, and many more. Majority of youths today have electronic gadgets even small kids has one. We often see teens today playing or chatting with their friends on their phones when they get bored. This gadget causes the teens today to be lazier and laziness causes obesity…in some part.

Music trends affects the lifestyle of the youths today, most of the youth today idolized bands, groups and singers, they prefer different genera of musics, some prefer pop, rock, R&B, ballads and most importantly my favorite…Kpop! Whatever is inn… definitely the youth of today will surely love it. All these are on installed on their gadget.

The P.S. youth today are more inclined into music and in creating artistic works. Some High school students say that “music is our Life” and they “can’t live without music” but I don’t know whether this is true or they are just fanatics about it. I am certain that some of the High school students from P. S. O are more inclined to music because they are getting satisfaction and camaraderie into music, in fact they joins them selves in Battle of the bands during our school fun day. That was last Feb. 2013, that there is lot of participant joins the battle of the band. I can say that they are excellent and superb on their craft; they are more inspired and amusing. They’re really innovative and fascinating to artistic works. Others, joins in the competitions such as drawing, literary and related competitions that require artistic thinking.  With all these activities at hand and pre-occupations, some has issues in managing their time for a quality study but despite of handful of activities life of being a youth and a student still GOES ON and coping up is a MUST!

In conclusion the youths of today should not just ruled by the gadgets and carried away by all its applications but however let these technology be use on a positive way and to streamline a long queue of process like those from the past practices of the youths of yesterday. 

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